Disk and File Conversion to Mac The Mac, being rather cleverer than PCs, is happy to read DOS format disks and so normally there is not a problem in getting these texts onto a Mac. But not every non-Mac disk in the world is DOS format or Macsize. There are 8" disks (almost of 78s vintage!), 5.25" and even those strange 3" disks used by older Amstrads. And not every file is recognizable by the software a Mac user is likely to have available. Chances are a string of unintelligible garbage will result if the chosen software cannot translate the file. This is where Roger Cullingham comes in. Roger has been living and breathing Macintosh since Word 1! He is confident that Mac users will be delighted with the results of his conversions for one very simple reason. When he is not converting disks he is preparing newsletters, books and booklets from his customers disks so his conversions have to be perfect! He has been using Macs since 1984 and has converted thousands of files from all disk sizes. He will convert the file from whatever software first created it into a file that will be recognized by Word, ClarisWorks, PageMaker or Quark (amongst many other Mac software options). The resulting files will look and behave as if they were originally keyed on the Mac. Most conversions also include text formats such as paragraph alignment, (left, right, centre), and bold and italic, etc., especially Amstrad Locoscript which can also include Layout (style sheets) and font/size changes. Conversions are quickly processed so that Mac disks are returned within just a few days. Or even quicker by email. The benefits The main benefit is that time consuming text rekeying costs are eliminated because disk conversion delivers the exact text as originally keyed in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost. Word processor, spreadsheet and database conversions are all possible from a large number of source disks. What does the customer supply? Quite simply, the disks, or to be strictly accurate, copy disks. ASCII files are not normally required indeed Roger much prefers to work with the original word processing files for comprehensive conversion of the original structure and content, although normally spreadsheets and databases should first be exported by the originating software. For options please contact Roger Cullingham thames@mailbox.co.uk How much does it cost? These guide prices are for Amstrad 3", CP/M, or similar formats to Macintosh software. Other formats are subject to individual quotation and sometimes are less because they are easier! Orders must be accompanied by payment in full. These prices are special to "1984 Apple OnLine Magazine" so please refer to this publication when contacting Roger.*For more information please contact Roger Cullingham   thames@mailbox.co.uk 4, York Avenue, Windsor, SL4 3PD. Tel: 01753 620540 * Contact Paul@1984-online.com if you wish to advertise your company here.